Monday, October 7, 2019


I know the whole "adulting" word (#adulting) is overused and has become rather cliche, however, it accurately fits my state of mind today. Being an adult is really hard sometimes (read: most of the time). Sure there are positives such as being in charge of yourself and making your own choices. But, am I really making my own choices or did I just trade my free will for the promise of stability and security? If I had my way right now I'd be home on the couch or I'd be on a beach enjoying the afternoon sun--definitely not at work looking over my growing piles and stressing about looming deadlines.

It seems like all of those choices I get to make boil down to the following:

  • What to eat and/or make for dinner? 
  • What guilty pleasure TV show to watch? (and there seems to be a growing number of these options that are taking up more and more of my free time--90 Day Fiance, all iterations, always wins)
  • Go to the gym or go home and relax? (go home, obviously, so I guess that's not really a choice)
  • Another glass of wine? (obviously)
  • Should I go out on a work night?
And the list goes on with countless more insignificant choices that I have the privilege of making every day because I AM AN ADULT! 

Yes, some may argue that I make the "choice" to get up and go to work everyday, thus, that is also a choice in which I have complete control. Technically, true, but really, the fundamental core of being a functioning adult is earning a living so I'm not looking at this as a choice, rather, as a necessity. Again, yes, I can choose to do something else but that is much easier said than done and not really the point today.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Aaaaaaand......I'm back

I'm not sure if 7.5 years counts as a break or not but, nonetheless, I'm back and blogging!

I was inspired by the lyrics of the new Halsey song (Nightmare) that I heard on the way to work this morning, "I keep a record of the wreckage in my life."

If I thought being 39 sucked, well I had no idea what 40+ was going to be like. Fasten your seat belt past me, it's been quite a ride.

But I digress, no more looking back, it's time to move forward. It's spring, time for cleaning and renewal. Plus, it's Friday, time for fun and relaxing and sleeping in!

Yes, I still hate getting up early and I'm still not especially fond of Malbec, although I have found a few exceptions. Not like I won't drink it or anything, it's just not my first choice. And, for the record, I'm still "trying to cut back on my weekday alcohol consumption" but, who am I kidding? And, Friday doesn't count as a weekday to me so I'm good to go today!