Monday, October 7, 2019


I know the whole "adulting" word (#adulting) is overused and has become rather cliche, however, it accurately fits my state of mind today. Being an adult is really hard sometimes (read: most of the time). Sure there are positives such as being in charge of yourself and making your own choices. But, am I really making my own choices or did I just trade my free will for the promise of stability and security? If I had my way right now I'd be home on the couch or I'd be on a beach enjoying the afternoon sun--definitely not at work looking over my growing piles and stressing about looming deadlines.

It seems like all of those choices I get to make boil down to the following:

  • What to eat and/or make for dinner? 
  • What guilty pleasure TV show to watch? (and there seems to be a growing number of these options that are taking up more and more of my free time--90 Day Fiance, all iterations, always wins)
  • Go to the gym or go home and relax? (go home, obviously, so I guess that's not really a choice)
  • Another glass of wine? (obviously)
  • Should I go out on a work night?
And the list goes on with countless more insignificant choices that I have the privilege of making every day because I AM AN ADULT! 

Yes, some may argue that I make the "choice" to get up and go to work everyday, thus, that is also a choice in which I have complete control. Technically, true, but really, the fundamental core of being a functioning adult is earning a living so I'm not looking at this as a choice, rather, as a necessity. Again, yes, I can choose to do something else but that is much easier said than done and not really the point today.

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